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2015 - ...
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Nguyen, Q., Robert, C. Tail Approximations for Sums of Dependent Regularly Varying Random Variables Under Archimedean Copula Models MCAP, 2018
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Mtalai, I., Veilleux, D. (2017) Dependent Risk Models with Archimedean Copulas, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2018
Cossette, H., Gadoury, S. P., Marceau, É., & Mtalai, I. (2017). Hierarchical Archimedean copulas through multivariate compound distributions. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 76, 1-13.
Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E., Moutanabbir (2017). Moment-Based Approximation with Finite Mixed Erlang Distributions. Variance. In press.
Cossette, H., Mailhot, M., Marceau, E., Mesfioui, M. (2016). Vector-valued Tail-value at Risk and capital allocation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 18 (3), 653-674.
Abdallah, A., Boucher, J., Cossette, H., Trufin, J., (2016) Sarmanov Family of Bivariate Distributions for Multivariate Loss Reserving Analysis, North American Actuarial Journal, 20:2, 184-200
Abdallah, A., Boucher, J., Cossette, H., Trufin, J., (2016), Sarmanov Family of Multivariate Distributions for Bivariate Dynamic Claim Counts Model, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Volume 68, 2016, Pages 120-133
Abdallah, A., Boucher, J., Cossette, H. (2015). Modeling Dependance Between Loss Triangles with Hierarchical Archimedean Copoulas,
ASTIN Bulletin,
(3), 577-599. doi:10.1017/asb.2015.6
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Perreault, S. (2015). On two families of bivariate exponential distributions: aggregation and capital allocation.
Insurance: Mathematics & Economics
. Sous presse.
Cossette, H, Larrivée-Hardy, E., Marceau, E, Trufin, J. (2015). A note on the compound renewal risk models with dependence.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
285, 295-311.pdf
2010 - 2014
Cossette, H., Côté, M.-P., Mailhot, M., Marceau, E. (2014). A note on the computation of sharp numerical bounds for the distribution of the sum, product or ratio of dependent risks.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
130, 1–20.pdf
Boudreault, M., Cossette, Marceau, E. (2014). Risk models with dependence between claim occurrences and severities for Atlantic hurricanes.
Insurance : Mathematics and Economics
54, 123-134.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Marri, F. (2014). On a compound Poisson risk model with dependence and in the presence of a constant dividend barrier.
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
30, 82-98.pdf
Cossette, H., Mailhot, M., Marceau, E., Mesfioui, M. (2013). Bivariate lower and upper orthant Value-at-Risk.
European Actuarial Journal 3
, 321-357.pdf
Cossette, H., Côté, M-P, Marceau, E., Moutanabbir, K. (2013). Risk measures and capital allocation using the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Copula.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
52, 560-572.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E. (2013). Dynamic risk measures within discrete-time risk models and stochastic orders. In : SORR2011 Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk Management. In Honor of Professor Moshe Shaked (Editors: Haijun Li, Xiaohu Li). Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer Verlag.pdf
Cossette, C., Landriault, D., Marceau, E., Moutannabir, K. (2012). Analysis of the discounted sum of ascending ladder heights.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
51, 393-401.pdf
Cossette, H., Mailhot, M., Marceau, E. (2012). T-Var based capital allocation for multivariate compound distributions.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
50(2), 247-256.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Maume-Deschamps, V. (2011). Adjustment coefficient for risk processes in some dependent contexts.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
13(4), 695-721.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Marri, F. (2011). Constant dividend barrier in a risk model with a generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
13(3), 487-510.pdf
Bargès, M., Cossette, H., Loisel, S., Marceau, E. (2011). Discounted aggregate claims with dependence.
ASTIN Bulletin
41(1), 215-238.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Toureille, F. (2011). Risk models based on time series for count random variables.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
48(1), 19-28.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Maume-Deschamps, V. (2010). Discrete-time risk models based on time series for count random variables.
ASTIN Bulletin
40(1), 123-150.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Marri, F. (2010). Analysis of ruin measures for the classical compound Poisson risk model with dependence.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
(3), 221-245.pdf
2005 - 2009
Bargès, M., Cossette, H., Marceau, E. (2009). TVaR-based capital allocation with copulas.
Insurance : Mathematics and Economics
45(3), 348-361.pdf
Marceau, E. (2009). On a general class of compound renewal risk models with dependence.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
44 (2), 245-259.pdf
Cossette, H., Marceau, E., Marri, F. (2008). On the compound Poisson risk model with dependence based on a generalized Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula».
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
43 (3), 444-455.pdf
Cossette, H., Delwarde, A., Denuit, M., Guillot, F., Marceau, E. (2007). Pension plan valuation and dynamic mortality tables.
North American Actuarial Journal
11 (2), 1-34.pdf
Boudreault, M., Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E. (2006). On a risk model with dependence between interclaim arrivals and claim sizes.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
, 265-285.pdf
Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E. (2006). Ruin probabilities in the discrete-time renewal risk model.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
38, 309-323.pdf
2000 - 2004
Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E. (2004). Compound binomial risk model in a markovian environment.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
35, 425-443.pdf
Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E. (2004). Exact expressions and upper bound for ruin probabilities in the compound Markov binomial model.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
34, 449-466.pdf
Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E. (2004). Risk measures related to the surplus process in the compound Markov binomial model.
Bulletin de l’Association suisse des actuaires
, 77-114.pdf
Cossette, H., Duchesne, T., Marceau, E. (2003). Modelling catastrophes and their Impact on Insurance Portfolios,
North American Actuarial Journal
7 (4), 1-22.pdf
Cossette, H., Landriault, D., Marceau, E. (2003). Ruin probabilities in the compound Markov binomial model,
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
, 301-323.pdf
Cossette H., Luong A. (2003), Generalized least squares estimators for covariance parameters for credibility regression models with moving average errors, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Volume 32, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 281-293
Genest, C., Marceau, E., Mesfioui, M. (2003). Compound poisson approximations of individual models with dependent risks, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 32, 73-81.
Cossette, H., Gaillardetz, P., Marceau, E. (2002). Common mixtures in the individual risk model,
Bulletin de l’Association suisse des actuaires
, 131-157.pdf
Cossette, H., Gaillardetz, P., Marceau, E., Rioux, J. (2002). On two dependent individual risk models.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
30, 153-166.pdf
Genest, C., Marceau, E., Mesfioui, M. (2002). Upper stop-loss bounds for sums of possibly dependent risks with given means and variances. Statistics and Probability Letters 57, 33-41.
Denuit, M. Genest, C., Marceau, E. (2002). Criteria for the stochastic ordering of random sums, with actuarial applications.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
, 3-16.pdf
Cossette, H., Denuit, M., Marceau, E. (2002). Distributional bounds for functions of dependent risks ". Bulletin de l’Association suisse des actuaires, 45-65.
Marceau, E., Rioux, J. (2001). On robustness in risk theory.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
29, 167-185.pdf
Cossette, H., Denuit, M., Dhaene, J., Marceau, E. (2001). Stochastic approximations of present value functions. Bulletin de l’Association suisse des actuaires, 15-28.
Cossette, H., Marceau, E. (2000). The discrete-time risk model with correlated Classes of buiness.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
26, 133-149.pdf
Cossette, H., Denuit, M., Marceau, E. (2000). The impact of dependence among multiple claims in a single loss.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
26, 213-222.pdf
Avant 2000
Denuit, M., Genest, C., Marceau, E. (1999). Stochastic bounds on sums of dependent risks.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
25, 85-104.pdf
Gaillardetz, P., Marceau, E. (1999). On life insurance reserves in a stochastic Mortality and Interest Rates Environment.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
25, 261-280.pdf
Gendron, M., Marceau, E. (1999). L'accès à l'assurance-habitation dans les quartiers centraux de quatre villes québécoises. Assurances : Revue d'assurances et de gestion des risques, octobre 1999, 479-494.
De Vylder, F., Goovaerts, M., Marceau, E. (1997). The solution to Schmitter’s simple problem: numerical illustration.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
20, 43-58.pdf
De Vylder, F., Goovaerts, M., Marceau, E. (1997). The bi-atomic uniform solution of Schmitter’s problem.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
20, 59-78.pdf
De Vylder, F., Marceau, E. (1996). Numerical solution of the Schmitter problems: theory. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 20, 1-18.
De Vylder, F., Marceau, E. (1996). Classical numerical ruin probabilities. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 109-123.
De Vylder, F., Marceau, E. (1995). Explicit analytic ruin probabilities for bounded claims.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
16, 79-105.pdf